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Let's face it, Adele is an a-ma-zing singer, but is she amazing at email?

It's debatable, but we think she would be.

So, what can Adele teach us about how to do email better? Like Adele, email marketing has a ton of raving fans. More people are subscribing to and engaging with email campaigns than ever before and companies continue to see impressive ROI from email marketing.

Join Pinpointe and Michael Barber - sought after speaker and marketing strategist, as we journey through how we think Adele would do email.

A Few Topics Covered:

  • How to tap into the benefits of email and grow your fan base

  • Why what we're doing with email now is vitally important for its future

  • Latest email industry stats

  • And, of course, how to do email like Adele would do email 

"The theme of this webinar was catchy, and the presentation was well-organized and easy to follow. It included both a good intro and summary. I can’t wait to share the replay with my colleagues!” 

Gina G. Javier | S. San Francisco, CA

"This was one of the best webinars I have attended in a long time. The language was relatable and geared toward ‘a real person’ and not filled with marketing jargon. Great job!” 

Holly Buttura | Signal Advertising